Exhibition opening - Wedn 6th October, 6-8 pm.
To be opened by Catherine Boland, Hon., Secretary, C.I.A.S.
Featuring storyteller Coilín “The" Oh-Aissieux
Daily viewing Thur 7th - Sunday 10th october, 11am-8pm
Curated by Tony Strickland
A two person exhibition of paintings, prints and installation by Leila Pedersen and Daniel Lipstein. These two artists create a myriad of works gleaned from experience both real, embellished and symbolic. Using different techniques such as drawing, painting and print-making they try to illicit imaginative and emotive response by weaving narrative, dream and theater to provoke a powerful portrait of the human condition.
This show is a celebration of the spoken tale, drawing from the obscure, visionary, intangible; symbolism that is inherent in the folklore of all cultures and that which is expressed in the dreams and desires of the human psyche.
The opening night of this show will incorporate a performance by
professional storyteller Coilín “The Oh-Aissieux” in conjunction and
sympathy with the visual art works featured in the exhibition.