
IYT Festival of Drama

November 27th - 30th, two shows per day - Tickets €15/€10

Established in 2003, the Independent Youth Theatre (or IYT) has emerged as a prolific producer of new Irish work both directed and written by young people. It accepts members between the ages of 15 to 25.

Sonnets for an Old Century - by Jose Rivera. Dir: Fiona McCluskey & Roisin Watson This is the last and only time you have to give your side of the story, as far as I know. What would you say?

The Terrace - by David Parnell. Dir: Karl Watson and Lola White Jane and Denis are best friends... maybe more? When Steve 'Mad Dog' Brennan takes a shine to Jane, it takes her some Eminem lyrics, dance routines and a little help from a hand puppet to figure out which man is right for her.

Never Swim Alone - by Daniel MacIvor. Dir: Ali Hayes-Brady
Two friends. A girl with a secret from their past. Who's taller? Who's got the "bigger"? And who has the gun? A comedy. . . in 13 rounds.

Killed by Curriculum - by Shaun Dunne. Six students. Exams are looming. Featuring the work of renowned poets John Montague and Sylvia Plath, what happens if you identify?

Thursday 27th - 7.30pm Sonnets for an Old Century - Never Swim Alone

Friday 28th - 7.30pm The Terrace - Killed by Curriculum

Saturday 29th - 2pm matinee Killed by Curriculum - Never Swim Alone 7.30pm - Sonnets for an Old Century - Never Swim Alone

Sunday 30th - 2pm matinee Killed by Curriculum - Sonnets for an Old Century