GAZING FROM GAZA is an exhibition of high quality prints by 30 artists from Gaza organised by the IMMIGRANT CAFE initiative.
The exhibition launch will be hosted on Friday 22nd August at 6pm and will be open to the public daily til 29th August.
All the prints will be sold at auction on 29th August and all the proceeds will go directly to the artists and their families.
On Tuesday 26th August at 7pm Dublin based musician Johnny Rayge and friends will join forces to support this unique initiative. The pop up musical bush will also feature storytelling and other marvelous wizardry, which will be streamed live to the Gazan artists participating in this exhibition.
On Tuesday 26th August at 7pm Dublin based musician Johnny Rayge and friends will join forces to support this unique initiative. The pop up musical bush will also feature storytelling and other marvelous wizardry, which will be streamed live to the Gazan artists participating in this exhibition.
All info: www.facebook/dylanlongman
Address: The Back Loft, c/o La Catedral Studios, 7/ 11 St. Augustine Street, D8